People In the U.S. Stay in Your Lanes.

I woke up this morning with the happiest smile on my face. Then I did my normal routine, prayed before my feet hit the floor and taken care of my hygiene etc. As I stood doing my hair, I heard a report about abortions and the laws in certain states that’s occurring, and I instantly became irritated.

The people in this world just need to stay in their own lanes. You have control over you as a human being and no one else. What makes you think you can dictate a person’s choices? What everyone needs to be focusing on. You guys are doing everything else in the world. Trying to be blind people to the obvious signs of a critical take over. Abolishment’s, repeat of Segregation and past slavery history. Focus on things like better quality of living for all, making sure homes can be sold and not just sitting abandoned because people want to charge an arm and a leg for them. How to feed people that’s here, fixing roads, making things equal, good and fair education systems and helping our communities around the United States.

But no, you want to focus on if a child, that you didn’t lay down and make stays in a womb of a person who is not prepared for them or if they were raped or if it was incest. You want to make these women go through full term pregnancy. Rather they can make it or not healthily. You want to cause mental destress on them? Physical distress. Because you feel it is right. You won’t have to take care of them. You won’t pay for medical bills. You won’t pay for depression medication, or doctors’ appointments. This place barely want to assist with proper education. That you don’t want to have systems to help feed and cloth and house them. You want to force woman, who has the right to make whatever the hell the decision she wants to make for her and her family. You want to setup all these barriers to stop her freedom her rights, which many women in History fought for her to have; you want to take that away.

Stay in your own lanes.

For a man to make a law regarding a woman’s body. You have to be out of your mind. For women, who are fighting to control what other women do with their bodies. Stay in your own damn lanes. Because you definitely aren’t going to let people dictate your life. Your rights. You always want to bring God into the situation, but have you read the Word? Do you know your history of the Bible?

God will judge who he wants, and He will also vindicate what people take from His children. He is the last deciding factor. He has the final Words. Not you, not protestors, and definitely not Men!

I’m to the point where it just sickens me to turn on the tv, because no one speaks for me. No one can choose for me. No one can tell me what My Father in heaven has for me. I don’t care what people do with themselves. It is not my business. I stay in my lane. Everyone chooses. Everyone has consequences of their choices. Shut the hell up and mind your business. Focus on your families, your problems and what’s not right in your homes. You are not feeding these kids, clothing them and you definitely are not housing them.

These men making these laws in these states, you are unconscionable, and I can’t believe you call yourself lawmakers for your people. But, guess what? I’m going stay in my lane, because I WILL REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER!!!!!


Don’t Wait To Get You Right!


It Must Be Love, At Least That’s What They Say It Is