When You Feel Like Your Work Is Not Enough

I went through a phase where I felt like when I wrote it just was wrong.

I asked people for their opinions, and they would tell me what I should do and what I should take out and that their advice was the best advice. This became so normal for me and the projects I created, wasn't my own anymore.

I wrote and rewrote, added and took away my voice in my books. It got to the point where I did not want to write anymore. I hated it. It wasn't fun. I beat myself up because I felt it wasn't good enough.

Every person who had an opinion and had a hand at getting inside my head, single handily ruin the magic that was in me. I didn't see that, that was all it was opinions. Their way wasn't actually the best. They didn't know my story better than me. It was my voice. I spent all my time writing it, not them. How is it that I believed what they so easily said? So as I began to realize what I created was gone, I had to somehow re-imagine things all over again.

I had to ask myself, "Self, what the hell is wrong with you? I stepped away for days, months and even a full year. I had to get the love for my book, and the wonderful world that I had created. I had to slowly write everyday. Some days 10 mins, until the ideas started flowing again.

I was determined not to feel the intense pressure of pleasing others and I thought about the love I had for my writing and what made me write my story in the beginning. I found my way and I'm so grateful to God for that.

Don't let anyone make you feel like your work isn't great. Take the criticism for what it is and stay focus, don't lose your creativity and your voice.

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